Monday, November 15, 2010

Grandma Thelma arrives & College Schedule

Last night (11/14) Grandma Thelma arrived at our house for a visit. We aren't sure how long she is staying but she will definately be here through Thanksgiving.  The kids were so excited to see her, its been 11 months since we've been together.

Today I finished registering for my spring semester classes. My biology class was full so I had to rearrange everything which was not what I wanted to do. I will have to drive to more with this schedule. But I got everything in that I needed to take so here's the finished product.

Monday- Computing 9:30 - 10:45 Annandale Campus
               Medical Terminology 1pm-3pm Med Ed Campus

Tuesday- Statistics 9:30 - 10:45 Annandale Campus
               Nutrition 12:30 - 3:10 Annandale Campus

Wednesday- Anatomy and Physiology 9:30 - 12:10 Alexandria Campus

Thursday- Statistics 9:30 - 10:45 Annandale Campus

Friday- Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 9:30 - 12:10 Alexandria Campus

Saturday- Work 8 am to 5pm at AMC in Alexandria

Sunday- Work 8 am to 5pm at AMC in Alexandria

Looks like a busy schedule, of course there will be homework and study time somewhere in there. It was not easy making a schedule that goes around Scotts work schedule as well as the kids school bus schedule but I got it done.  I start January 10th.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So far things are going great here in Virginia. Scott is working at Naval Reactors in Washington DC and I found a job working as Film Crew at AMC Hoffman 22 in Alexandria, Virginia. Both a a bit of a commute but we are getting used to it.  The kids are enjoying their new house, and their new school here in Woodbridge Virginia.

Halloween went well we trick or treated around our new neighborhood and scored loads of candy!! The kids enjoyed handing out candy to their neighborhood friends. We had a big halloween party and I've already posted all the recipes on my food blog so be sure to check them out :)

November is here and its getting colder and with that comes our first round of colds and flu, I was hit first being sick now for 2 days but luckily I am off of work this week so it doens't interfere with anything.

The girls are enjoying Girl Scouts again this year. Jennifer is a brownie and Aurora is a daisy. They both have meeting twice a month and 2 monthly weekend activitys so that keeps us busy at least 8 days a month. Next year Michael will start cub scouts, he's very excited for that!

My grandma Thelma is coming in this weekend and staying for the holidays. We are still uncertain if my Aunt and Cousins will be able to make it up for Thanksgiving yet due to their work and school schedules.

Well there is a little update from the Spear family, I'll try to keep up with this blog a bit more from now on :D
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