Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Update on Nursing School

Clinicals are finally posted, it didn't work with our schedules for Scotts work and the kids school so we will have to find a way to make it work.

 1st 8 wks I'm in Springfield for Geriatrics 7 to 4 wednesdays
 2nd 8 weeks I'm in Manassas at a clinic for acute/chronic care 8 to 4 wednesdays.

Other classes spring semester are :
Intercultural communication 12 wks,
Abnormal Psych 1st 8 wks,
Clinical Psych 2nd 8 wks,
Nursing Lab 2 hrs every tuesday for two 8 week sessions,
nursing lecture 5 hrs every thursday for two 8 week sessions.

I got out of taking drug dosage calculations because of my diagnostic math test scores, thank goodness, cause I'll be busy enough!

The only frustrating thing I've found so far besides general stress is that they waited so long to post our clinical rotations and for someone like me that had a family and kids it's important to know things asap! We now have to start interviewing babysitters and figure out how to pay them because we still don't know anyone here :(  Hopefully we can find someone in the 4 weeks that I have until clinicals begin. Wait I lied... there is a 2nd frustrating thing, I already took psych, in fact I took about 10 psychology classes and have credit for all of them but my nursing school has rules that the psych cannot be transferred in from ANY school it has to be taken at their school. So... here I go again with another round of psychology, at least it will be easier this time around still its time out of studying for my other classes and more time away from family. Frustrating!!!
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